


發(fā)布人:http://www.ryublack.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-04-11 09:30:00

Creep: under the action of external force at high temperature, the plastic deformation occurs slowly and continuously with the extension of time. The creep characteristics of steel have great relationship with temperature and stress. With the increase of temperature or stress, the creep speed is accelerated. Therefore, boiler, steam pipes, pressure vessels for long-term work under high temperature of steel that should have good creep resistance, to prevent the creep of large deformation leads to structural rupture and explosion caused fatal accidents.
Spheroidizing and graphitization in carbon steel under high temperature, the cementite due to the migration and accumulation of energy will occur, and the formation of cementite grain inclusions in ferrite, the experience changed from flake gradually into carburizing ball, called the ball. Because of the low strength of graphite and the appearance of flake, the strength of material is greatly reduced and the brittleness is increased.
Thermal fatigue property. If the steel is hot and cold for a long time, the material inside the temperature change caused by the thermal stress under the role of the small cracks will occur and continue to expand, and eventually lead to rupture. Therefore, the thermal fatigue behavior of steel structures and pipelines under the condition of temperature fluctuation should be considered.
This article source: Ji'nan ventilation pipe more content please enter: http://www.ryublack.com our official website


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